Read these 7 Breast Implant Revision Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Breast Procedures tips and hundreds of other topics.
Detecting breast implant deflation will depend on the type of implants the patient has. Detecting breast implant deflation in saline implants is rather simple. These implants are filled with a saline solution which is rather thin and will leak through ruptures in the shell rather quickly. The patient will likely notice a rapid decrease in the size of the breast as the filler material exits the shell and is absorbed into the body. The solution in these implants is very similar to other bodily fluids and is typically absorbed and excreted without complications. However, once breast implant deflation is detected, the shell should be removed and, if desired, replaced.
Implant deflation in silicone breast implants can be significantly more difficult to detect because the gel used to fill these implants is much thicker than saline. Consequently, the gel will not leak out of the shell rapidly upon rupture. When a silicone breast implant ruptures, many women will not be aware of the rupture at all. Others may experience symptoms such as a change in the size or appearance of the breast, tenderness around the breast, tingling, swelling or numbness. Those who have silicone breast implants and experience these symptoms should consult their surgeon. It is recommended that patients with silicone implants be examined by the surgeon annually to determine whether or not the implants are intact and functioning properly and to undergo an MRI after three years to examine the implant for minute ruptures.
When saline implants rupture they can deflate rather quickly because the filler material used is rather thin and may leak out quickly. The filler also closely mimics the fluids in the body and as a result, the liquid will be absorbed and expelled from the body on its own. Silicone implants, on the other hand, will not deflate as quickly. The filler material is much thicker and it may be difficult to detect a rupture as the implant may not deflate. For this reason, annual checkups with a plastic surgeon are recommended to determine whether or not the implant is intact. Additionally, patients with silicone implants should have an MRI after three years to examine the implant for rupture. For both saline implant or silicone implant ruptures, the implant should be removed and, if desired, replaced immediately.
Breast implant deflation is always a concern for breast augmentation patients because implants do not last forever and are not impervious to rupture. There are many reasons a breast implant could rupture and subsequently deflate. Implants may rupture if they were not filled properly, as a result of a trauma or even during a procedure such as a mammogram, although this is rare. Additionally, implants may rupture over time as a result of normal wear and tear on the implant.
Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure in which breast implants that were previously implanted are removed from the body. The reason for breast implant removal may be medical or personal. However, it is important for all breast augmentation patients to realize that the removal of breast implants is a surgical procedure. This should be carefully considered when deciding whether or not to undergo the original procedure. The surgery to remove the implant will likely involve one or more incisions, removal of the implant and possibly removal of some of the surrounding breast tissue, as well.
Patients who are having surgery for breast implant removal should carefully consider the surgeon they select for the procedure. This is especially important if the implants are being removed for medical reasons. In selecting a surgeon the patients should seek out a surgeon who has a great deal of successful experience with breast implant removal surgeries. Asking to see before and after pictures of previous breast implant removal patients and asking for references will help the patient to make a well informed decision.
Breast implant revision is often necessary to correct imperfections in the appearance or to deal with medical issues which result from a previous breast enhancement surgery. Breast implant revision is an additional surgical procedure which can either refine the previous surgery or correct problems such as capsular contracture.
Some of the cosmetic reasons a patient opts for breast implant revision include asymmetry, dissatisfaction with the location of the implants, larger or smaller implants preferred or dissatisfaction with the overall appearance of the implants. In these cases, the patient may want the breasts to be more symmetrical or may not be happy with the size or location of the breast implants. The patient may wish to undergo an additional surgical procedure to create a preferred appearance. Additionally, some patients simply regret the augmentation procedure and may undergo a breast implant revision to remove the implants.
Capsular contracture is one of the most common medical reasons for breast implant revision. This condition occurs when the tissue surrounding the implant reacts by squeezing the implant. This can lead to a hardening of the implanted, a distorted physical appearance and pain. In these cases, the patient will likely opt for breast implant revision to correct the problem. This will likely involve a surgical procedure to remove the implant. In many cases, it will also be necessary to remove some of the surrounding breast tissue as well.
There are a number of factors which may contribute to the need for breast implant revision. Breast implant revision is essentially a surgical procedure which is designed to improve the appearance of a previous breast augmentation procedure or to correct problems which could lead to medical complications. It may include replacing the implant itself, removing the implant and the surrounding tissue in the event of capsular contracture, relocating the implant to another location or lifting the skin surrounding the breast.
In the event of capsular contracture, the tissue surrounding the breast implant contracts and squeezes the implant. This results in a distorted appearance and pain from the implant becoming more dense. At this point, it's usually necessary to remove the implant and the surrounding tissue during the implant revision.
Problems like asymmetry or other issues related to the physical appearance of the breast implants might also necessitate a breast implant revision. In these cases, the surgeon may relocate one or both of the implants to another location in the breast to create a more natural and symmetrical appearance.
Some breast implant revisions are designed to remove and replace the existing implant. The patient may wish to have a silicone implant replaced with a saline implant or may wish to have the existing implant replaced with an implant of another size. In either case, a breast implant revision is required to create the ideal situation.
Women may wish to have breast implants removed for a number of different reasons. Breast implant removal may be a result of complications such as rupture and deflation or capsular contracture. It may even be a result of a change in the patient's opinion or the appearance of the patient.
Implants should be removed and, if desired, replaced in the event of rupture and deflation. When implants rupture, the patient may wish to have the implant replaced or simply removed. This is a matter of personal preference and in most cases, removing and replacing the implant is safe. However, some patients may opt to have the ruptured implant removed without replacing it. If the patient has a functioning implant in the other breast, it's likely she will opt to have this intact implant removed, as well.
Breast implant removal may also be warranted in the case of capsular contracture. In this scenario, the implant may become hardened and the appearance may be altered because the surrounding tissue is contracting around the implant. When the implant becomes painful and the appearance is distorted, removal of the implant is a good idea. Breast implant removal may be preferred by patients who are no longer satisfied with the appearance of their breast implants. This may result as the patient gains weight and finds the breasts to be larger than desired or if the patient simply changes her mind about the desired appearance.
As with any type of plastic surgery, there is always the potential for complications during breast-related procedures. Complications resulting from a breast procedure can range from general dissatisfaction with the results to breast implant deflation or even health-related complications.
Capsular contracture is one of the complications which may result during plastic surgery. In this condition, the tissue surrounding the implant reacts to the implant by squeezing it. When this occurs, the implant may become more compact and the shape may be altered. This can be quite painful and may also result in an undesired effect.
The risk of infection also exists during plastic surgery. In procedures such as breast augmentation, less than 2 percent of all patients suffer from an infection post-operatively, but the risk always exists. Carefully cleansing proposed incision sites with antibacterial soap can help to reduce the risk of infection.
Patients can also help to minimize the risk of complications by discussing their desired outcome with the surgeon before the procedure and asking to see before-and-after pictures of procedures the surgeon has completed in the past. This will help to ensure the patient and the surgeon are in agreement about the desired appearance.
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